Software Profiling

Software Profiling

by Lucas Biotto -
Number of replies: 1

I can't figure out how to do the "software profiling" at all with my own hardware and software of the lab2. I am following the indications of the last tutorial given (see the joined file) but the "gmon.out" is not generated. In fact I can't find the "<profiler_software_examples>/eclipse_source_files/profiler_gnu" folder as explain in the page 9. I don't know if I miss something else for doing this profiling correctly but for the moment I am stuck. Does anyone has succeeded in doing the "software profiling" and can maybe help me a little bit?

Thanks for your help!
In reply to Lucas Biotto

Re: Software Profiling

by René Beuchat -


it would be better to say what your are doing exactly if you want some help.

We could see that tomorrow during the lab.

Good night.