[Lab 3] top_level

[Lab 3] top_level

par Cédric Oliver Portmann,
Number of replies: 1


I am currently setting up the multiprocessor system as proposed in the tutorial: https://www.altera.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_US/pdfs/literature/tt/%20tt_nios2_multiprocessor_tutorial.pdf

I was able to add all components that we need and it compiled well. (Basically remove philosopher_one,two,three,four,five but leave philosopher_zero) My issue comes now with the top_level file:

How can I change the top_level file to VHDL since the one in the tutorial is in Verilog and what needs to be changed?

Is there anything else necessary to change than just this top-level file if we want to adapt the code from the previous labs to the new multi processor system?


In reply to Cédric Oliver Portmann

Re: [Lab 3] top_level

par Sahand Kashani-Akhavan,


We weren't expecting you to take the tutorial files as-is, but rather to re-create the system to learn how it work from the ground up.

For the top-level file, you'll have to just instantiate the qsys system you generate inside the same top-level VHDL files you used in your previous labs.