[Lab 3] RAM cells - not enough space

[Lab 3] RAM cells - not enough space

by Jon Märki -
Number of replies: 1


I am currently setting up the qsys design with a single mutex, a LED PIO output to simply test the multiprocessor design. As I start the compilation I get this error message and I don't understand what it means and how I could fix it. 

Here is my qsys design (I decided to put everything on the same layer instead of having different subsystems with pipeline bridges, is that acually ok?), I actually changed the base adresses manually as well so that nothing overlaps.

And here is the error message

Thank you for your help and if necessary I'm also available for a zoom call to fix the issue.


In reply to Jon Märki

Re: [Lab 3] RAM cells - not enough space

by René Beuchat -


as it is indicated, the Cyclone V used has only 397 RAM modules of 10k bits (<500k Bytes), and with your design you need 542 (~677 kBytes). Thus your design can not be compiled.

Those elements are used for the 2x onchip_memory, and for many others element as the processors for the internal caches, some registers.

Each onchip_memory is 256 kiBytes --> 512 kiBytes thus too much for your design.


1) you have to reduce the onchip_memory size used by the processor

2) if it is too reduce, you can have some linker problems, the printf function takes a lot of space (~20kB), if necessary try the small driver, but float not supported 
