Linux on DE1-SOC

Linux on DE1-SOC

by Cédric Oliver Portmann -
Number of replies: 2

We are trying to use the script: provided by Sahand Kashani. However we run into an issue with the Quartus Fitter (see video here:!Au-86l1it1Nnrc4sPB_AZAhVzJSY5w?e=2SSN29). Any idea on what is causing this and how we can resolve it? We did not modify anything in the DE1_SoC_demo. 

Thanks for the help

In reply to Cédric Oliver Portmann

Re: Linux on DE1-SOC

by Sahand Kashani-Akhavan -


My apologies for not answering earlier. I didn't know of the existence of this mini-forum and did not receive any notifications for new posts!

You two technically already presented your project, but I thought I'd answer in case others have the same problem. The error you were receiving occurs when quartus does not know how to assign the names in your top-level VHDL file to physical pins on the board. Technically you should not have this if you run the pin_assignment_DE1_soc.tcl TCL script mentionned by Samuel. This script is automatically executed if you construct your linux system using the script I provided.

Note that you should also COMMENT OUT all pins that you don't use in your top-level file and only keep those that are connected to an element in your system. I suspect this is the issue you were having.