Extra Mural Exams

Extra Mural Exams

by Pascal Fua -
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The directives about extra-mural exams have finally been published: 

We remind you that the rule is that exams should be held on site, with students physically present on campus. Therefore, the organization of a remote examination (extramural) is an exception. The only accepted reasons for not coming to campus in person in August are the following:

1) The student can present a valid medical certificate proving that he/she is a person at risk in case of physical attendance at the exam or that he/she suffers from another illness

2) The student is unable to travel for official reasons (closed borders, closed airlines, compulsory quarantine at entry).

Personal reasons are not considered valid (holidays, marriage, financial costs or accommodation, etc.)

If you quality under these rules and ONLY THEN, please send the official form directly to SAC and we will do what needs to be done. For further questions, I suggest you refer to Ms. DalMas (cc’d). She is far more knowledgeable about EPFL rules and regulations than I am.