OP1: Exokernel in Disguise
Arrakis is a recently proposed OS design that resembles the exokernel. In this OP, precisely identify all exokernel ideas that you see appear in Arrakis, and then compare and contrast the support for capabilities & revocation in the two designs. This 4-page overview of the Arrakis design should be sufficient for the OP, but you can also read the full paper if you wish to know more about Arrakis.
Use a maximum of 500 words for the body of your writeup; in the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” OPs require in-depth consideration of the assigned materials, along with good technical writing. Spellcheck. Your submission must be in PDF and consist of one single-spaced A4 page, including all figures, tables, and references. References should have complete citations at the bottom of the OP, which in turn are hyperlinked to electronic versions of the cited materials, whenever possible. The OP should be single-column and use Times Roman (or equivalent serif) font with 10-point type or greater. The title and references do not count toward the 500-word limit. Submit your OP through Moodle by the indicated due date and time. The submission’s title must be of the form “OP_n_: Title”, where n is the single-digit number of the OP, e.g., “OP1: Exokernel in Disguise” for the first week’s OP. Do not write your name on the OP.
You are not allowed to discuss the topic of the OP with anyone else until after the submission deadline. The OP must be 100% your own work.