Integration tests on Windows

Integration tests on Windows

by Andrej Janchevski -
Number of replies: 3

Hello, I was solving the homework on Windows 10 and all of the unit tests pass, however I still don't understand how to run the integration tests successfully.

I have in any case no way of running these tests on Windows if they require the original Windows-compiled binary of your implementation, as this kind of file was not pushed on GitLab.

Also, I have noticed that some functions in bingossip.go have panic("not implemented") as their body. Do we have to implement these or are there some errors in the pushed integration test files?

In reply to Andrej Janchevski

Re: Integration tests on Windows

by Cristina Basescu -


1. Indeed, we haven't provided a Windows binary, sorry. We'll hopefully do that next week. In the meantime, could you perhaps run the integration tests via gitlab's CI?

2. No, there's no error in bingossip.go and there's no need to add anything to that file.


In reply to Cristina Basescu

Re: Integration tests on Windows

by Andrej Janchevski -

Thank you for your response.

On GitLab for the integration tests I get "Permission denied" errors about the binary ./hw0

In reply to Andrej Janchevski

Re: Integration tests on Windows

by Bastien Wermeille -
There exist a solution on windows to run the tests, you can use WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux). I personally use this technology for a lot of projets and it works pretty well. Regarding the issue your are facing, you might try to run the command `
git update-index --chmod=+x gossiper/hw0
` which will normally change the rights of the file and make it executable on gitlab.