Test Coverage & Submission HW0:

Re: Test Coverage & Submission HW0:

par Kirill Nikitin,
Nombre de réponses : 0


1. In this homework, we do not actually need the printed output to evaluate your implementation because we are able to check everything with direct tests. So if your implementation passes, you are good to go. We kept it mainly as a reference so the students could debug the interoperability part (our reference implementation prints in the described way). Note that we might use the printed output for some of our tests in the next homeworks (each homework assignment will be self-sufficient in terms of all the necessary printing instructions). 

We are trying to keep all the requirements transparent, so we will test only the features that we have announced.

2. The 'Handlers' field can be used to store (see the RegisterHandler method) and retrieve handlers for each message type that your gossiper needs to handle. However, we do not require you to strictly follow our suggested code logic as long as your implementation works correctly.

3. Yes, we will open it within next couple of days.

