Homework 0 submission file structure

Homework 0 submission file structure

par Andrej Janchevski,
Nombre de réponses : 2

Hello, I just wanted to confirm, is the file name and structure of our submission file as below, where <x> is our student number from GitLab?

  • cs438-hw0-student-<x>.tar.gz
    • Peerster
      • cli
      • gossip
      • ...

En réponse à Andrej Janchevski

Re: Homework 0 submission file structure

par Kirill Nikitin,


Please also name your archive Peerster so your submission looks like this:

  • Peerster.tar.gz
    • Peerster
      • cli
      • gossip
      • ...

We have clarified this on the submission page now.
