Problem with online tests

Problem with online tests

by Mert Soydinç -
Number of replies: 3


I have encountered a weird problem. All the local tests are passing without a problem but then I push the code on to the Gitlab and run the test there, I get bind: address already in use error while opening the udp listening connection(this only happens for TestGossip_ChainSplit). Do you have any advice?

In reply to Mert Soydinç

Re: Problem with online tests

by Mert Soydinç -

I think I should add that Gitlab tests also sometimes pass(generally 1 passes for every 4 tries).

In reply to Mert Soydinç

Re: Problem with online tests

by Utku Görkem Ertürk -


I had the same issue. This is most probably race condition that is caused by stop function. The main function ends before the child routine stops the connection so the port is still open. You should wait for connection termination in the stop function before returning from the function.

In reply to Utku Görkem Ertürk

Re: Problem with online tests

by Mert Soydinç -
Oh I think you are right. I have forgotten that other routines also return when the main routine returns. Thank you!