Optional HW0 Code Review

Optional HW0 Code Review

by Kirill Nikitin -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

Today you have received read-only access to the hw0 repository of three of your colleagues (if you haven't, please reach out to us!). With this, you get a chance to inspect the assigned implementations and to learn from the way your colleagues dealt with the same task, e.g., by analyzing their design choices or system logic. We do not require you to write any formal code review nor submit it to us. However, we encourage you to communicate your findings and suggestions, if you get any, directly to the implementations' authors., e.g., by highlighting what you specifically like in their design or how you would suggest to improve it.

Furthermore, you can choose to build next homeworks, starting from Homework 1, atop of one of these three implementations, instead of your own. If you choose to swap, we do require you to review the chosen implementation in writing (a couple paragraphs with highlights and suggestions will suffice) and send it by email to the author with cs438@groupes.epfl.ch in cc. We will not grade this review but it will serve as a validity ticket for your next homework submission with the swapped base. Finally, note that if you choose someone else' implementation, the authorship rights of this borrowed code remains with the original author, and you can claim only the code that you implement on top.

The CS-438 Team