Question regarding route rumors and expected rumor messages

Question regarding route rumors and expected rumor messages

by Morten Borup Petersen -
Number of replies: 1

In the first test, TestGossiper_Topo1_2Nodes_RumorReceived, routeTimer != 0 meaning that route rumors should be sent out at startup.

The test, through the watchers, waits for the first received RumorMessage on each of the nodes and expects this rumor to be the expectedMessage, hence not the startup route rumors. However, this would fail due to the received route rumor messages having being delivered to the watchers before the expected message.

According to " you should be sending every received and sent gossip packet to the watchers" - given that route rumors are encapsulated in GossipPackets - i see no demand for routeRumors not being sent to the watchers.

Am i misunderstanding something here?

In reply to Morten Borup Petersen

Re: Question regarding route rumors and expected rumor messages

by Cristina Basescu -


You're right, that's indeed a problem with the tests of Part 1. Please see

