Question about an exampel for Cut-off Edit Distance

Question about an exampel for Cut-off Edit Distance

by Shasha Jiang -
Number of replies: 1


As mentioned before, the 'I' and 'J' should be between 1 to n, but in the example from the lecture, why is 'I' here 0?

Thanks in advance

Attachment Screenshot from 2020-10-14 00-28-58.png
In reply to Shasha Jiang

Re: Question about an exampel for Cut-off Edit Distance

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

You're right: in general there is the min(n, max(1, ...)), but here I foccused only the main part : m-\theta, then realize that it leads to the same result here since the min (of D) is on the diagonal: min (1, 0, 1) = min (0, 1).
Sorry for confusion if that specific case was unclear.