Route Rumor handling like normal rumors

Route Rumor handling like normal rumors

by Clement Luc Irenee Blaudeau -
Number of replies: 1


  1. If the handout is very clear about the fact that route updates triggered by route rumors should not be printed on the standard output, I was a bit confused about the normal standard output printing of route rumors. Should we print out route rumors just like normal ones :
    RUMOR origin <original_sender_name> from <relay_addr> ID <msg_id> contents <msg_text>
    with an empty msg_text ?
  2. Should we call the callback on route rumors?

I'm sorry if this is stated in the handout, I've read it a couple of times before posting but I might have miss the info !


In reply to Clement Luc Irenee Blaudeau

Re: Route Rumor handling like normal rumors

by Pasindu Nivanthaka Tennage -


Thank you for the question.

First of all the STD OUTPUT is only for your debugging purposes. In the tests, or when grading we do not use the output. So if you find something unclear with the output, you can just ignore that.

No. You do not need to call the callback for route rumor.

Hope it is clear now. Feel free to ask more questions if you face any difficulty.
