Quiz 1: problem with input

Quiz 1: problem with input

by Daniel Einar Berg Thomsen -
Number of replies: 11


I managed to finish the quiz just in time, upon reviewing after submitting it however I noticed that my answer for the question where we were supposed to answer in the format of 10^A + 10^B had been replaced in the text-box by only 10! I presume it was because I had misread the question and did not answer in the format of 10^A + 10^B, but rather in the format of 10^A + 100000^B or something like that. Maybe I shouldn't have been in such a hurry, but can you still see the answer in this format on your end?


Daniel Berg Thomsen

In reply to Daniel Einar Berg Thomsen

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Guillem Bartrina I Moreno -


I was about to post the same problem.

I tried different combinations and none of them seemed to save correctly.



In reply to Guillem Bartrina I Moreno

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Cristina Basescu -


Unfortunately, I experienced a similar problem. My browser was, indeed, Chrome.

Luckily, on my side, this seems to be the only question with this type of error.

Best regards,

Cristina Basescu

In reply to Guillem Bartrina I Moreno

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

We currently have no idea of what happened since that question was a regexp question and we got 41 different type of answers, including several time correct answers like (copy-pasted from your answers):

10^8 + 10^15
10^15 + 10^8
100^4 + 100000^3
"100^4 + 100000^3"

and also many wrong but still in the correct format, like:

100^3 + 100^4

or even:

10^6 * 10^8
length of cross-product of a 3-gram and 4-gram model with 100 digits: 4^100*3^100

and, indeed, a few "weird" as you pointed out:

10^8 + 10^

So this is really weird what happened to some of you and we are still investigating...

In reply to Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

Investigating further, we were able to reproduce the bug:
it seems that on some browsers the Moodle regexp parser is buggy and does not allow to type further as soon as the FIRST regexp does no longer match (whereas on other browser it stops when ALL the regexps do no longer match and on others it does not stop at all).

We will cancel that question 7 anyway.

In reply to Daniel Einar Berg Thomsen

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

several students pointed me similar problems with that question (all of them with Chrome/Chromium for the moment).
We are investigating.

In reply to Daniel Einar Berg Thomsen

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Vincent Tournier -

Can't check anymore, but I might have the same problem... I was on firefox though

In reply to Daniel Einar Berg Thomsen

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Marc Bernard René Gay-Balmaz -

I had the same problem with brave

And I'm afraid I didn't get the command during the quizz, was it there to tell us to put spaces? (it is how I understand it afterwards) 

In reply to Marc Bernard René Gay-Balmaz

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

> was it there to tell us to put spaces?

No. It was in fact a hint about how the answer should look like and that we did not expect you to compute the numerical value. (which, eventually, would have cause much less troubles it seems...)

In reply to Daniel Einar Berg Thomsen

Re: Quiz 1: problem with input

by Mike Yan Michelis -

After panicking and trying out different things when I experienced this exact issue, I seem to have solved it by adding quotation marks, i.e. "10^A+10^B".