Questions about the Quiz

Questions about the Quiz

by Mattia Aurelio Martini -
Number of replies: 2

I have some Quiz in regard to the understanding of the solution of the Quiz:  

Question VI:

We consider canonical representation as the result of the analyzer, as we want to find the canonical representation for a given surface form input. 

Might this still be seen as an association between the input surface form and its canonical forms? However, the answers including association are speaking of Surface Forms i.e Plural, thus being wrong as we only use a surface form as input and try to find all Canonical Forms. 

Question VII: 

To be sure about my understanding of circumfixes, i.e un-ness isn't a circumfix, because un- and -ness are a pre-/suffix on their own, while a circumfix, for example from German ge- -t forms a circumfix (for building perfect and plusquamperfect forms) as for a root, e.g sag, gesag wouldn't exist thus ge- wouldn't be a valid prefix on its own and only be correct in conjunction with the suffix -t ( Also would -t still be a valid suffix as Er/Sie/Es sagt is a correct present form in German?) 

Question XII: 

What transition would in this instance fall away, i.e a:E or E:b. I was and still am unsure if the *only on the left* is referencing that only character on the left can be associated with empty strings or that if we compliment a string with an empty string, the empty string can only be on the left.   

Thank you for your Answers. 

In reply to Mattia Aurelio Martini

Re: Questions about the Quiz

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -
  • Question VI: agreed (with what you say; and the answer to the question being: "could be, but out of scope of that very question")
  • Question VII: yes
  • E:b;
    then I don't understand then end of your question (what's the difference?)

In reply to Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Questions about the Quiz

by Mattia Aurelio Martini -

Thank you for the response, that was helpful. In regard to the last question, I struggled initially with understanding it based on the *insert*, however now after reading it again after a time I see where I misread it.