Add team member

Add team member

by Mathilde Louise Marie Hermet -
Number of replies: 1


I wanted to add my Lab colleague to the team member on the scoring system.

Unfortunately, that is not possible as I think he login on the scoring system before I try to add him, and so now he's in an other team, and he can't leave it as  he's the leader of his own team.

How can we do to fix that ?

My colleague is Yannis Charpilloz.



In reply to Mathilde Louise Marie Hermet

Add team member

by Manuel Leone -
Hello Mathilde,

Actually this should be expected behavior for the system, if you add your colleague to your team and he accept by email he will be automatically added to your team by leaving his.

If this doesn’t work please write us your GASPARs (indicating which one is the leader one) and we’ll join you manually.
