Saving incomplete downloads between restarts

Saving incomplete downloads between restarts

by Yanick Sanka Paulo Amaro -
Number of replies: 1


Just to clarify, should incomplete downloads still be available for sharing after restart?

I am guessing they do since downloaded files are shared and their chunks are available before the download is complete.

But this would mean a gossiper can share incomplete files after startup which I find a bit strange.

Is it expected?

Thanks in advance!
In reply to Yanick Sanka Paulo Amaro

Re: Saving incomplete downloads between restarts

by Kirill Nikitin -


Yes, they should be. The key is that the gossiper will advertise only the chunks that have been downloaded (when replying to a relevant search request) for this file.

Think of it as bittorrent where even if you download a part of a torrent, it will later be available for others to download from you.
