Looking for a group

Looking for a group

by Quentin Victor Stéphane Esteban -
Number of replies: 3

"Communication is key in ALL relationship" I agree :) And I didn't found another way of contacting people to form a group for the loomio project.

If you are a group of less than 5 people don't hesitate.

Thanks in advance

In reply to Quentin Victor Stéphane Esteban

Re: Looking for a group

by Matthieu Sylvie Emanuel De Beule -
I'm also looking for a group! Don't know many people in the course since almost everything was remote.
In reply to Matthieu Sylvie Emanuel De Beule

Re: Looking for a group

by Haoqian Zhang -

Feel free to use the project session on Thu to form your group, if you have not found it yet. 


In reply to Quentin Victor Stéphane Esteban

Re: Looking for a group

by Julie Luna Chloé Favre -

Hey! We are a group of four, and we also wanted to take this topic. You can come in our team 13 if you want!