Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

by Stratos Triantafyllou -
Number of replies: 6

I apologize if this has been already clarified in another post, I must admit I have found it difficult to keep up with the the discussions for this homework.

I understand that in the revised test, node E is also down, and A is required to send 5 messages in every phase 1 attempt. I also understand that between the start of the consensus process and when we count the number of messages that A has sent, there is around 1 second.

What I'm struggling to understand is how A is able to send 5 messages in each try. From the handout, I was under the impression that A gossips the PREPARE message, i.e. it sends it to one peer at a time. If the peer responds, A might send it to another or stop. If the peer doesn't, then A sends the message to another peer after 10 seconds. Because of the reliability of the gossip, peers that get the message from A eventually relay it to the rest of the network.

Assuming that all nodes are down, I would expect that A is going to attempt to contact one of its peers. Because the test is waiting 1 second, A is not going to contact anyone else before the paxosRetry timeout fires. Therefore, aSent should be 1 before the retry, and 2 after the retry (as it was before the change).

Am I getting something wrong?

In reply to Stratos Triantafyllou

Re: Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

by Francesco Intoci -


I think that we are expected to broadcast the prepare to all nodes. So node A will send the prepare to all of its neighbours nodes.

In reply to Stratos Triantafyllou

Re: Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

by Morten Borup Petersen -
+1 on this; the broadcast should be implied in the rumor mongering (which we've been asked to rely upon). If we are required to modify the handling of outgoing prepares within a rumor message to "manually" be broadcast to all peers of a node (which the now updated test seems to expect), then this should ideally be clarified clearly by the TAs.
In reply to Morten Borup Petersen

Re: Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

by Francesco Intoci -

I think that the rumor logic is used just to rely on the status messages exchange to keep track of the consensus

In reply to Stratos Triantafyllou

Re: Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

by Bastien Wermeille -

Thanks for finding this particularity. As it is stated in the handout :

> All these messages are sent as rumors and they’re embedded in the rumor using a new optional field, called ExtraMessage​.

I assumed in my implementation that we only send one Rumor containing an Extra value. Such as to rely on the existing type I just added an addExtraMessage interface in the gossiper which allow to reuse the logic already implemented.

If we really want to send one message to all other node but in a private manner then we would need to have a destination field such as to filter which messages are for us. Regarding the logic of the test, I think that your explanation is correct and that we should expect one message before the retry if we use the rumor infrastructure as implemented in homework 2.

In reply to Stratos Triantafyllou

Re: Regarding the updated TestGossiper_No_Contention_Single_Retry

by Pasindu Nivanthaka Tennage -


As we have announced, there is an issue with the bin_gossiper and some tests.

We are currently working on the changes and will be pushing the corrected code to your repos soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
