Project Details

Project Details

by Francesco Intoci -
Number of replies: 7


I have a few doubts about the project.

1 - Workload split: In the handout for phase 2, it is asked to provide the division of the workload among the team members. I understand that, but the hard part is to come up with such a division for my team's idea. We came up with an idea we like and we have clear in mind a division in subproject, but we are not sure if these subprojects will be the same in terms of workload. Would it be possible for each of us to work on parts of each subproject (so instead of having memberA: subprojA; memberB: subprojB; ecc, we would have subprojA: member1 part 1A, member2 part2A, member3 part 3A; subprojB: ecc..., where each part is essentially the same in terms of workload), and have a shared evaluation in the end? It would be much easier to came up with a good idea then, without the constraint of dividing the project into three equal workload-wise subprojects.

2 - Tests : How exactly is the project going to be evaluated? Should we also provide test like the one provided for the homeworks?

Thank you in advance!

In reply to Francesco Intoci

Project Details

by Francesco Intoci -
Also I would like to ask what would happen if the proposal at this round was rejected
In reply to Francesco Intoci

Re: Project Details

by Cristina Basescu -

Hi Francesco,

Thanks for your question.

So far it doesn't seem to be the case that proposals in phase 2 were rejected; perhaps some needed more refinement, which we suggested in the individual team feedback. This makes sense, as everyone now has completed the assignments and has a broader understanding of various topics based on the lectures.

If you have particular concerns about your team's proposal, feel free to contact us.

The CS-438 team

In reply to Francesco Intoci

Re: Project Details

by Huan-Cheng Chang -

Adding on something that might be related to this: what's your expectation of our project?

I remember reading from somewhere that your expectation depends on the group size, but aside from this, could you please provide more details about what you would be looking for in terms of grading? Like how many features the system supports, how complex the system is, how robust the system is, etc..

Thank you.

In reply to Huan-Cheng Chang

Re: Project Details

by Cristina Basescu -

Hi Huang-Cheng,

Thanks for the question.

Because it's rather difficult to give generic indications without a specific project, our feedback to each team that submitted proposals focused on precisely what you said: whether the team's proposed system is realistic, has enough features etc. We also gave feedback on what (not) to focus on.

Would you or others have particular questions or concerns after seeing or feedback on your phase 2 proposal?

The CS-438 team

In reply to Cristina Basescu

Re: Project Details

by Huan-Cheng Chang -

Thank you.

I have some and I just talked to the TA who gave the comments for clarification. Can we still ask questions related to implementation or design in the next few weeks?

In reply to Francesco Intoci

Re: Project Details

by Cristina Basescu -

Hi Francesco,

Thanks for bringing up these good points!

1. The workload split is intended to shield every team member from the risk of other team members not delivering their parts. Of course, we understand that not everything can be split clear-cut: some parts will be common.

It could indeed happen that some parts might prove to be more difficult than first estimated. To avoid this as much as possible, we encourage you to think of a basic set of features and then extensions rather than a bulk feature that might prove too complex. We suggested this in our feedback to some teams: start simple, develop step by step.

2. A test suite would be great and highly recommended! It'll help you catch bugs during the development and then test more advanced end-to-end features without worrying about some low-level part not functioning. Our intention with providing the test implementation in clear was to inspire you to create your own. The demo could consist of you running the more complex tests, which you could also do step by step if you have a UI, or by first explaining the test and then running it.

We hope this helps, let us know if you still have concerns.

The CS-438 team