I have a few doubts about the project.
1 - Workload split: In the handout for phase 2, it is asked to provide the division of the workload among the team members. I understand that, but the hard part is to come up with such a division for my team's idea. We came up with an idea we like and we have clear in mind a division in subproject, but we are not sure if these subprojects will be the same in terms of workload. Would it be possible for each of us to work on parts of each subproject (so instead of having memberA: subprojA; memberB: subprojB; ecc, we would have subprojA: member1 part 1A, member2 part2A, member3 part 3A; subprojB: ecc..., where each part is essentially the same in terms of workload), and have a shared evaluation in the end? It would be much easier to came up with a good idea then, without the constraint of dividing the project into three equal workload-wise subprojects.
2 - Tests : How exactly is the project going to be evaluated? Should we also provide test like the one provided for the homeworks?
Thank you in advance!