Homework 3 Deadline Extension and Test Clarification

Homework 3 Deadline Extension and Test Clarification

by Pasindu Nivanthaka Tennage -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

As many of you have pointed out in the discussion, we have realized a couple of issues in the bin_gossiper and the tests. We are currently fixing these issues and the refined and corrected Tests and Bin_gossiper will be available soon.

We have also decided to extend the deadline for HW3 by one week; the new deadline is 14th December Monday 23.59 hours. 

We also would like to emphasize that the homework specs (as mentioned in the handout and in the forum discussions) remain unchanged. Only the Tests and the Reference implementation will be changed (test scenarios will not be changed, only the errors will be fixed). Therefore we highly encourage you to adhere to the specs definition in the handout and not to modify your implementation to pass the currently available set of tests. 