Informations about final exam

Informations about final exam

par Tom Louis Demont,
Nombre de réponses : 3


Would it be possible to have a recap of the important informations about the final exam? (What it will cover, which form it will have, mock exams and the previous year's exam ...)


En réponse à Tom Louis Demont

Re: Informations about final exam

par Haoqian Zhang,


As far as I know, we do not have such a recap. As Prof. Ford said during the class, the exam will cover all the things during this semester and no previous exam will be provided. Although the detailed form has not been decided yet, you would expect the problem to be more open, due to the special circumstances this year.

Have a happy holiday!


En réponse à Haoqian Zhang

Re: Informations about final exam

par Taha Zakariya,


If I may, it's a little bit vague. Can we at least have more information about the format of the questions and what will they be about so that we know how to prepare ?


En réponse à Taha Zakariya

Re: Informations about final exam

par Haoqian Zhang,


Due to the special situation this year, we have to redesign the exam and the format of the questions has not been decided yet. As long as you follow the class, you should be fine.
