Old Exam

Old Exam

by Mattia Aurelio Martini -
Number of replies: 1

Are we allowed to ask questions about the old Exams?

If it is so, in regard to the old Exam, I have checked out Question 6 and for the second question, I am not a hundred percent sure how to answer it. 

Computing the Table in the previous question, I would believe that after processing "mumb" as C("mmaym", "mumb") > 1 the next processed sequence would be "mumm", as Push("mu", "b",  "m") would be the last push on the stack. And "m" is the next letter in the lexicographic ordering.    

In reply to Mattia Aurelio Martini

Re: Old Exam

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

> Are we allowed to ask questions about the old Exams?


> the next processed sequence would be "mumm"

Correct! (and the keypoint in your answer is the strict inequality (w.r.t 1))