Exam 2019/2020 Pb 3 question 2

Exam 2019/2020 Pb 3 question 2

by Luna Justine Godier Gallay -
Number of replies: 2


I am currently solving this problem and wondered if when asked to modify the protocol, we could argue that if Bob sent [ Hello, KA+{nonce}], then Manuel could not decrypt the nonce and reorder as only Alice knows KA-.

Is this a correct answer? 

Thank you in advance for your time 

Kind regards


In reply to Luna Justine Godier Gallay

Re: Exam 2019/2020 Pb 3 question 2

by Katerina Argyraki -

Hi Luna,

Let me make sure I understood your question.

The assumption made in this problem is that Bob does not know Alice's true public key. He receives it from Alice herself. However, Manuel is in the middle and changes the public key. So, Bob could not have encrypted the nonce with the Alice's public key. 

Does this make sense? Did you have something different in mind?