INLP Exam Organization

INLP Exam Organization

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear INLP Students,

the exam (Wednesday  08:15 - 11:15) will take place in Polydôme (a.k.a PO 01):

Here is the list (PDF hereby attached) what your seat number is. I also hereby join the room maps to know
where your seat is located inside the room (in short:
Antille to Durussel: right;
Everaert to Korukova: middle right;
Kuang to Moeschler: middle left;
Montial to Zweili: left;
each column alphabetically ordered from back to front.
as well as a generic front page instructions for your information.

Bring your own draft paper with you. We don't provide draft paper (the
exam is open-book so you can bring with you whatever paper you want)

And please strictly follow the health and safety guidelines (
in French:;
in English:,
in particular:

  • wear a mask all the time;
  • keep your distance: there is no need to hurry to enter the room;
    keep the flow fluid.

See you on Wednesday,