Submitting for grading

Submitting for grading

by Jonas Franz Konrad -
Number of replies: 4


Are the instructions concerning homework grading as specified in the homework 0 pdf page 13 correct?
If not, would it be possible to clarify them?


In reply to Jonas Franz Konrad

Re: Submitting for grading

by Cristina Basescu -
Thanks for reminding us! We've just published an announcement to clarify:
In reply to Cristina Basescu

Re: Submitting for grading

by Jonas Franz Konrad -
Perfect thanks. Since the grading is done what about the issue mentionned in this thread And also is this still valid "Also, while you are free to modify everything in the code skeleton for your convenience, our tests will use the original skeleton files outside the peer/impl and transport/udp folders." (as taken from homework 0 assignment) ?
In reply to Jonas Franz Konrad

Re: Submitting for grading

by Cristina Basescu -
> Since the grading is done what about the issue mentionned in this thread

Thanks for the question. We've just posted an answer:

> And also is this still valid "Also, while you are free to modify everything in the code skeleton for your convenience, our tests will use the original skeleton files outside the peer/impl and transport/udp folders." (as taken from homework 0 assignment) ?

Yes it is still valid. Would you have any concerns other than the faulty test?