General feedback message in Quizz "Lab1 - Part3"

General feedback message in Quizz "Lab1 - Part3"

by Stéphan Plassart -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

We notice that students that have a grade between 99% and 100% in "Lab1 - Part3: Basic connectivity within LAN" received a misleading feedback message on Moodle during the quizz saying that you have "a grade of 100%". Due to this ambiguity, we decided to round the grade of these students to 100%.

Now, you can see in the grades part of Moodle (User report) that there are two grades for Lab1 - Part3: one grade named "Lab1 - Part3: Basic connectivity within LAN", and a new grade "Round - Lab1 - Part 3: Basic connectivity within LAN" that take into account this modification. Of course, the final grade for lab1 will take into consideration only the rounded grade for this part.

Thank you for your understanding,

