Question on Lab 2 Part 2 Q6 & Bonus

Question on Lab 2 Part 2 Q6 & Bonus

by Weiran Wang -
Number of replies: 1

Dear all,

I had several tries on Lab 2 Part 2 and found that my answer on Q6 is wrong. However, from the wireshark, the source port is the only difference that I can observe. Could you please give me the hint on this question?

For the bonus part, I am wondering whether it's possible to borrow a computer from the lab?

Looking forward to your answer and thanks in advance!

In reply to Weiran Wang

Re: Question on Lab 2 Part 2 Q6 & Bonus

by Bastien Wermeille -


Regarding question 6 of Lab2 Part 2, the question is not about what changes but which fields are used to identify the (local) source IP address of h2 in order to properly forward incoming replies back to it in a case of a symmetric NAT ! Furthermore, you should have a look again because the response you provide here seems strange to me.

Regarding the borrowing of a computer, we strongly invite you to work with your peers for this part, and you could come to INF 015 to borrow ethernet cable; moreover, you have access to INF 019, where you are always welcome to come and work on the labs; there you could find a Minix which you could use to do the bonus part of lab 2.



(Edited by Seyed Mohammadhossein Tabatabaee - original submission Monday, 1 November 2021, 08:58)