I am a bit confused in the first question when we calculate the probabilities. Assume we are looking for P(yi=xi=0|ei=di=0), since ei=di=0 the qubit sent by Alice will be measure by Bob in the basis {|alpha>, |alpha_p>}. We assume that xi=0 so Bob receives the qubit |0> from Alice and wants to perform a measurement. So I assumed that it has to used the projector P = |alpha><alpha| + |alpha_p><alpha_p| and will get the state P|0>. And then we we calculate the probability to have yi=0 and this happens when the measured state is |alpha>, and the following operation would give us that solution : |<alpha|P|0>|^2 and this results in |<alpha|0>|^2 = |cos(alpha)<0|0> + sin(alpha)<1|0>|^2 = cos(alpha)^2. Is this the correct reasoning or am I missing something?
Thank you.