Complaints about the exam

Complaints about the exam

by Anastasia Popkova -
Number of replies: 8

Good evening,

The exam grades has been issued already. Will it be possible to send a complaint if you don’t agree with the grade received?

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes,

Anastasia Popkova

In reply to Anastasia Popkova

Re: Complaints about the exam

by Anastasia Popkova -
We also weren’t announced the grades for some of the homeworks , so it makes an impression that their points weren’t included into the final grade.

I would like to have a glance on the overall grade components, because I am sure I deserve higher grade for the course.
In reply to Anastasia Popkova

Re: Complaints about the exam

by Anastasia Popkova -
I hope the teaching staff will reply and give us the opportunity of appeal, otherwise it will contradict with the name of the subject which contains “democratic society”