Mock GE1 + Ex3

Mock GE1 + Ex3

by Andrey Davydov -
Number of replies: 0

Graded exercise 1 is coming!

What happens during the Graded Exercise:

- You come on campus with your laptop, check the charger and the conda environment properly installed (if you come to ex sessions and everything is fine then for you this is not an issue). 

- You are provided with a jupyter notebook with exercises. Some cells of it are empty and your goal is to fill them in with correct implementation of the algorithms we discussed in the course. Each cell is graded independently, so we assure that wrong implementation of one cell does not affect the cell after it. 

For your preparation and to get the vibes of what to expect, we provide a mock version of the graded exercise and the exercise session 3 (from last year), you can find them on the main page. Along with exercises, you can find the solutions to them. It is highly recommended to try solving these tasks first on your own, then turn to the solutions.

Good luck in preparation!