RuntimeError for Excercise 9

RuntimeError for Excercise 9

by Tianqu Kang -
Number of replies: 1

While running the funciton train_model() in exercise 9, part 1.10, I keep coming cross the following problem:

RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) 10680, 18808, 15140) exited unexpectedly

I tried to run the solution code of exercise 9, and came accross the same error as well:

RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) 3344, 1764) exited unexpectedly

I searched on line and some people suggesting setting 'num_workers=0', but this would contradicts with the solution given. Therefore I wonder if it is the problem of my computer. My computer runs win11 and I installed pytorch by running the cell given in the notebook.

In reply to Tianqu Kang

Re: RuntimeError for Excercise 9

by Sena Kiciroglu -

Hello Tianqu,

I also seached online for and this seems to be a common problem for Windows. It's okay for the graded exercise if you set the num_workers to 0. Your solution will not be penalized for this.

