Forum test

Forum test

by Farzad Pourkamali -
Number of replies: 5

Hi everyone,

It's just a test to check the forum. You can ask your questions here.

If there is any problem with it, please let me know.



In reply to Farzad Pourkamali

Re: Forum test

by Tiberiu Mosnoi -
I can not create new discussions, I can only reply to this existent one. Could you please make it so we can create new discussions so things are more organized? Thanks!
In reply to Tiberiu Mosnoi

Forum test

by Nicolas Macris -
Hi, you can continue in this thread to discuss and ask questions. Normally everybody has automatic access.
I am not sure how moodle supports private discussions if that is what you want (?)
In reply to Nicolas Macris

Re: Forum test

by Tim Postuvan -
Hello, is it possible to get handwritten notes from the last year's online lectures? I am particularly interested in getting the ones about mean-field theory since I can't really understand the notes from Montanari.