Grades of the final theoretical oral exam (max 30pts)

Grades of the final theoretical oral exam (max 30pts)

by Ronan Boulic -
Number of replies: 0

Please find the list of grades as the last item on moodle or here:

Regarding the grade, the second criteria after the "quality of the knowledge", is the "autonomy from additional material", from best to worst case:

=> being able to present orally the knowledge fluently, face to face, and fully autonomously - without checking anything on paper - is the best case.

=> taking advantage of personal notes to support your discourse was allowed but is obviously not as good as the case above

=> reading notes or the course material without even looking at the other person in the oral exam is the worst case ; it leaves a quite negative impression regarding the ability of the speaker to master the topic sufficiently without such a help. I really advocate the few who adopted this approach to work on this aspect of their communication skill so that their future audience feel that they can trust their expertise.

To conclude, I hope you know how to take advantage of Virtual Reality in the future or at least that you know enough about it to debunk the few myths that we can still read here and there.

Best regards

Ronan Boulic