Week2 Lecture a little mistake on next hop address?

Week2 Lecture a little mistake on next hop address?

by Naravich Chutisilp -
Number of replies: 1

Should the next hop for destination 2001:620:618:1a4/64 be fe80::4 and the rest of EPFL addresses be fe80::1?

Slide ip page 18

In reply to Naravich Chutisilp

Re: Week2 Lecture a little mistake on next hop address?

by Jean-Yves Le Boudec -
You are perfectly right, for destination 2001:602:618:1a4/64, the next hop should be fe80::4%2.
For the destination 2001:602:618/48, the next hop should be fe80::1%2.

This is now corrected in the online versions of the slides, thank you for pointing this out.