Hello, I have a question about mutual information. My question in short is:
Does this formula hold?: I(X;Y=y)=H(X)-H(X|Y=y).
I just follow the example 2.6.1 in Cover's book. (The picture below)
By definition, I(X;Y=1) should be calculated as I(X;Y=1)=\sum_{x,y=1}p(x,y=1)log_2(\frac{p(x,y=1)}{p(x)p(y=1)})=0+\frac{3}{4}log_2(\frac{3/4}{7/8*3/4})=0.144 bit \)
If by the formula above, I(X;Y=1)=H(X)-H(X|Y=1)=H(X)=0.544 bit, which is different from 0.144 bit. So I think this formula does not hold. But why is this? It looks quite right.
Thank you.