Homework 8, Exercise 2

Homework 8, Exercise 2

by Adrian Zvizdenco -
Number of replies: 1


In exercise 2 with corrupted teleportation, I am quite unsure what the condition means by "analyze the standard teleportation protocol". I computed the state of the teleported qubit in Bob's lab and applied the required operators, according to the messages (00, 01, 10, 11). Are we required to compute any probabilities? Or is just showing that the state gets altered in Bob's lab enough (there is always one more term next to the expected teleported state)?

In reply to Adrian Zvizdenco

Re: Homework 8, Exercise 2

by Nicolas Macris -


You should also compute the probabilities for each outcome when Alice makes her measurement. 

Dont be disturbed by the phrasing in the question. By analyze standard teleportation protocol i just mean that Alice and Bob proceed just as in the protocol shown in class (they dont know the initial entanglement link is corrupted).

Indeed at the very end Bob gets states with extra terms wrt the ideal case. The probabilities will also not be exactly equal to 1/4. 

Hope this answers your questions

Nicolas Macris