Exercise 3.5

Exercise 3.5

by Jérôme Lou Jonas Amiguet -
Number of replies: 2


I am puzzle. When I run my PMU server in 3.5, your client can connect well:

<em>lca2@lca2-vm:~/student_resources$ python3 Part5_PDC.pyc CMD_short:0 Part5_ca.crt
ssl_s1:  <ssl.SSLSocket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 43664), raddr=('', 5003)>
sending: CMD_short:0
User 1 received: This is PMU data 0

User 1 received: This is PMU data 1

User 1 received: This is PMU data 2

User 1 received: This is PMU data 3

User 1 received: This is PMU data 4

User 1 received:  

User 1 received:  

User 1 received:  

User 1 received:  

However, when I submit my code, I get the following error:


FAIL: test_pmu_answer_to_pdc (__main__.TlsGrade)

        In this test, we start the PMU server with:

        python3 <scrip> <certificate> <key>

        Then, we launch a client that connects on localhost, ipv4, port
5003, requires authentication and then sends 'CMD_short:0'

        We expect the server to answer with at least 'This is PMU data 0'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "autotest.py", line 120, in test_pmu_answer_to_pdc
    self.assertTrue(self.checkPdcLogContent(),"\n\nThe PCD did not receive the string: %s!" % self.EXPECTED_RESULT)
AssertionError: False is not true :

The PCD did not receive the string: This is PMU data!

Ran 3 tests in 11.065s


Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


In reply to Jérôme Lou Jonas Amiguet

Exercise 3.5

by Gaiëtan Renault -
Hello Jérôme,

Hint: Please have a look at the additional outputs file that you can download when reviewing your Part5 - TLS : Secure PMU submission. More precisely look at /output/pmuLogs.log file. This should help you find the problem.

Please tell me if you still have an issue after fixing this,
In reply to Gaiëtan Renault

Re: Exercise 3.5

by Jérôme Lou Jonas Amiguet -
Hello Gaiëtan,

Thank you very much for your hint! I got sidetracked by another project's deadline, but could still solve my issue right on time thanks to you. :-D

All the best to you,