Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

by Thösam Norlha-Tsang -
Number of replies: 5

Hello, I have a question for exercise 2 (c).

The formula in the lecture is : Avg(B_weird) = tr(p_bell * B_weird) 

We found both density matrices p_bell and p_stat in (a) and (b).

However I am stuck because I cannot / don't know what is B_weird.

Looking at exercise 1 : I get that A = (+1)|α⟩⟨α| + (−1)|α⊥⟩⟨α⊥|.

So to get B_weird, I get a giant thing that I cannot simplify.

B_weird = A ⊗ B + A ⊗ B ′ − A ′ ⊗ B + A ′ ⊗ B ′

On top of that, I see that the last part of this exercise, we need to plug in the values of alpha, alpha', beta and beta'. Those 4 are scalar values.

α = 0, α ′ = − π / 4 , β = π / 8 , β ′ = − π / 8 

How is this possible ? We cannot do cross product of scalars : A = (+1)|α⟩⟨α| + (−1)|α⊥⟩⟨α⊥|

And what about α⊥ ? This one is not even given...

Kind regards,


In reply to Thösam Norlha-Tsang

Re: Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

by Nicolas Macris -

You can compute the average in one line by combining results proven in class… Hint: use cyclicity of trace in the way repeatedly used in the lectures.

Remark also that the notations are those of the lectures, the notes, the videos. For example alpha_perp us the angle perpendicular to alpha and so on.

In reply to Nicolas Macris

Re: Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

by Cécile Tangwendi Michel -

I use cyclicity for the computation but I don't get it how to compute the average in only one line.
In reply to Cécile Tangwendi Michel

Re: Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

by Nicolas Macris -
Written in latex:

Tr( \rho_{Bell} \mathcal{B} )= < \Psi \vert \rho_{Bell} \vert \Psi > = expression we computed in class = 2\sqrt 2 for optimal angles and sums of cos 2(\alpha -\beta) 's for general angles.
In reply to Nicolas Macris

Re: Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

by Cécile Tangwendi Michel -
Yes for \rho_{Bell} I found how with the computation w did in class but I was stuck for the \rho_{stat} part of the calculation.
I don't find any result where I can plug the optimal angles alpha, alpha prime etc.

Thank you in advance
In reply to Cécile Tangwendi Michel

Homework 10 - exercise 2 (c)

by Nicolas Macris -
For rho stat you have to do a computation yourself. Using linearity and cyclicity compute the average of A times B in terms of alpha and beta. For the other three terms expressions are the same.
Not too long in fact.
Nicolas Macris