[IMPORTANT] Practical information about Thursday's presentations

[IMPORTANT] Practical information about Thursday's presentations

by Enis Ceyhun Alp -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

Here is some information about the upcoming presentations for the CPS presentations:

1- As we announced a few days ago, all presentations are going to take place on Thursday (15/12) between 14:15 and 17:30 at INF 1. You can find the schedule here.

2- Each team is going to have 12 minutes for their presentation, followed by an additional 3-4 minutes of Q&A. Only one person from each sub-team is going to present their sub-team's work. So from each team, only 3-4 people (depending on the # of sub-teams) will be presenting. However, all members of the team have to be present during the presentations. Speaking of presence...

3- Unless you have a very important conflict that you cannot avoid, you are expected to attend the whole session.

4- You will use your own laptops during the presentations. Each team should present from a single laptop to avoid losing time with changing laptops. Therefore, please make sure that each team brings at least one laptop that has each of its sub-teams' presentations/slide decks. It might also a be a good idea to put a copy of your slides in a USB and have it with you (fault-tolerance galore!). We will do the presentations over Zoom (using the CS-234 room).

-cs234 team