Various announcements

Various announcements

by Olivier Lévêque -
Number of replies: 0


Here are a few announcements:

- a quick reminder first that your report+code for the project is due next Monday, at 11:59PM. We have prepared group submissions for this on Moodle (bottom of the page).

- besides, here is some info about the competition: it will take place next Thursday, from 12:15 until 1:15 PM, in room CM5 (and in parallel on Zoom, but please try to come on campus) and will be based on a modification of the N queens problem.

In order for you to prepare your code: we expect you to output a csv file with N lines, with in each line an X,Y position on the chessboard, where X is a row index from 0 to N-1 and Y is a column index from 0 to N-1

A special link will be created on Moodle for the submission of your solutions (also group submissions).

More details to follow on Thursday :-)

All the best,
