As written in the title, I have a question regarding Lab 2a, exercise with Cloud Seeding Data.
In this exercise, we have a model: clouds.formula <- rainfall ~ seeding + seeding:(sne + cloudcover + prewetness + echomotion) + time, then we do a linear regression on this model: clouds.lm <- lm(clouds.formula, data = clouds)
I have questions about result of command summary(clouds.lm). Why is there a coefficient seedingyes but no coefficient seedingno, and why not simply a single coefficient seeding? Also, why are there the two coefficients seedingno:echomotionstationary and seedingyes:echomotionstationary but no seedingno:echomotionmoving and seedingyes:echomotionmoving?
Do not hesitate to give me some documentation that could explain that if you prefer rather than explaining here by message. It is just that I have difficulties to find a documentation explaining this behaviour
Thank you very much in advance!