A1 - Cannot find the research question to address

A1 - Cannot find the research question to address

par Hugo Vernon May,
Nombre de réponses : 4


We are working on project A1.

We managed to find the dataset (apple1.dat) and its description (apple1.txt) but we can't find the research question we need to address in the project. Which are the 2 groups we need to compare? And on which variable?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Hugo MAY.

En réponse à Hugo Vernon May

Re: A1 - Cannot find the research question to address

par Darlene Goldstein,
hello, you should look to explain Rate of advance (cm/day) (y variable) in terms of strain and variety (and possibly other variables but obviously not advance in cm); see


Best regards,
En réponse à Darlene Goldstein

Re: A1 - Cannot find the research question to address

par Hugo Vernon May,
Thanks a lot for your help. I still have a question concerning the dataset: I believe that the values we have are means because we have only 1 value for each pair of variety and strain. I don't understand how with only 1 value for each pair we can study the variance?
Thank you!
En réponse à Hugo Vernon May

Re: A1 - Cannot find the research question to address

par Darlene Goldstein,
hello, you should make a linear model with variety and strain as factors, then look at the residual variance. You won't have any degrees of freedom for estimating interactions, but you can examine for interaction graphically.


Best regards,