Report 1 goal

Report 1 goal

by Ernesto Bocini -
Number of replies: 2

Good morning. My group has been assigned to report R2. We were wondering whether the analysis that we have to carry out has to replicate the one of the included paper by Gilbert, or if it has to be considered only as a reference and develop further analysis and different strategies. Additionally, it's also not clear whether the final max number of pages should be 5 or 7 (on moodle we can see 5, but on the report-1-criteria there's written 7). Thank you for all the help!

In reply to Ernesto Bocini

Re: Report 1 goal

by Darlene Goldstein -
hello - please try to keep it at 5 but you can go to 7 pages if necessary.

For the report, you should consider the paper as a reference and explore the data as if you were given it to analyze on your own.


Best regards,