yes, the topics covered this week are part of the regular curriculum of the class. I will not repeat the material next week.
I know that it is a bit unfortunate that the EPFL announced class excursions for for March 14 which indeed took place in some sections; in IC the excursion was replaced by a great on-campus event (IC-Boost Day) organized by the student association CLIC.
According to the EPFL rules classes can be canceled on the day of the excursion or, if not, videos should be made available. I have chosen the second option.
6 videos are already available; two additional short videos will appear on the WEB page before Thursday 10am, at the usual address
under the title: Reinforcement Learning Lecture 3,
I hope that (depending on your section) you had a great excursion off-campus or else exciting presentations during the IC boost day
kind regards
W. Gerstner