Something fun and something less fun...

Re: Something fun and something less fun...

by Olivier Lévêque -
Number of replies: 0
Dear all, and thanks to those who answered the poll.

It seems that only a minority among you would like that we set up a projection in the classroom. Given the number of things I have to monitor with this accident, I hope you will be OK with 100% zoom lectures. So let us meet at 2:15 PM on Wednesday for the next lecture (I have come back home now and the situation is more or less under control). Here is the Zoom link for this session (and all the others; it is the same that you find on Moodle):

For Hw 6, please bring in either in the transparent mailbox in front of my office by Wednesday night or on Thursday at 10 AM in the exercise session (room INR 219). There was a slight typo in the problem set: I corrected that.

All the best, and see you on Wednesday,

PS: If you want, some of you can always self-organize to set up the projection in the classrooms, of course!