Midterm results and next Thursday

Midterm results and next Thursday

by Olivier Lévêque -
Number of replies: 1

Dear all,

Please find attached the midterm results (by sciper number). In hindsight, this was probably a little too long for the time duration of 1h 45 minutes. Accordingly, the max grade 6 is reached at 50 points instead of 60. Here is the approximate scale for your grade:

50 points: grade 6

40 points : grade 5

30 points: grade 4

20 points: grade 3

10 points : grade 2

This is just to give you an idea: what really matters is the number of points, and the final grade will be computed at the end only.

Please note also:

Next Wednesday, there is no lecture and no video to watch. On Thursday morning, I will talk about a new important subject: conditional expectation. Please note that in the pre-recorded videos on subject, I restricted myself to a particular case, namely square-integrable random variables. I will be more general in the lecture, following what is written in the lecture notes.

You will be also able to retrieve your midterm sheets during the exercise session on Thursday.

All the best, and have a nice week-end,


In reply to Olivier Lévêque

Re: Midterm results and next Thursday

by Olivier Lévêque -
PS: The problem set and solutions of the midterm are available on Moodle.