Material for second graded exercise

Material for second graded exercise

by Théodore Maradan -
Number of replies: 1


I was wondering what is the authorized material for the second graded exercise ? In particular, are we allowed to access the documentation of the libraries used during the exercise ?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards

In reply to Théodore Maradan

Re: Material for second graded exercise

by Andrey Davydov -

The format is exactly as it was for GE1:
* You are allowed to use libraries documentation, lecture slides and notes from previous exercises,
* The notebook will only require libraries that were already used in the previous exercise sessions,
* You will have only the duration of the session and in the end submit your notebook to the corresponding Moodle page,
* You must attend the session in-person with your laptop and this laptop should be fully functional, think about it in advance.

Good luck with GE2 next Tuesday,